Lego Club *For Kids Ages 5 and Up
December 9, 2021 @ 3:15 pm - 4:30 pm
Each child will be given a box filled with an assortment of Lego blocks and will build a creation using only what’s inside the box within the 45 minute time limit. The finished creations will be displayed in the Children’s Room for a few weeks. Attendance is limited to 18 kids per session. Free tickets will be passed out 1 hour prior to start of program.
Everyone attending a Children’s Program who is age 3 or older will need to wear a mask while at the program or while in the Children’s Room, whether or not they have been vaccinated. Family groups will be seated 3 feet apart and space at all programs will be very limited. Free tickets will be passed out 1 hour prior to the start of the program. Once room capacity has been reached, the program will be ‘closed’ and we will be unable to admit any more people to the program. An alternative passive activity will be made available in the Children’s Room for anyone who arrives after the program has filled.
Thank you for your understanding.